Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why Do Dogs Get Gas?

Fortunately, Buddy doesn't have a problem with gas. Jake did have a lot of gas because he wasn't on a great diet, I didn't know about pet nutrition then.

Why do dogs get gas? The dog's diet has a lot to do with flatulence. Most supermarket brands of dog food are made up mostly of corn products for fillers. Soy products in your dog's diet are loaded with proteins that can be hard to digest. This can contribute to a smelly gas problem. Feeding a high quality food, with the top ingredients listed as chicken or lamb, can not only mean a more comfortable pet, but a less gassy one, too. High quality kibble will also reduce the amount of waste product, meaning less poop. A good diet results in less end product, because more of the meal is actually digested.

Flatulence is caused when bacteria in the digestive tract break down food items producing gas. Some breeds are more prone to flatulence, but all dogs can suffer from it and owners can suffer from smelling their dogs.

Be careful with table scraps. Vegetables and lean meats are good for your dog, but fries, bacon, bologna or ice cream, etc. can cause problems.

Don't feed you dog rawhide. Dogs love them, but they are very high in protein and dogs swallow a lot of air while eating them. They also can cause blockages, which can be a serious problem.

Feed your dog more often. Divide the food and feed him 2 times a day and see if that make a difference.

Try a digestive enzyme. These are safe products that will help their digestive track to digest the food, eliminating the gas build up in their intestines.

Give a probiotic. This will increase the friendly bacteria in your dog's intestines.

I give Buddy, Plant Enzymes & Probiotics from Animal Essentials. You can order this on or call 888-551-0416.

If none of these helps the gas problem, it may be time for a check up.