Sunday, November 23, 2008

Acupuncture Therapy for Pets

Acupuncture is an ancient therapy from China involving the placement of needles at specific sites along nerves' pathways to evoke positive healing action and bring relief from distress and suffering. In modern times it has been medically validated and found to be extremely useful in very painful situations. Some holistic veterinarians have begun to use it in their practices with much success.

Acupuncture can promote better circulation, reduce overall inflammation, and to provide local pain relief. Acupuncture automatically promotes the release of endorphins into the animal's body, which can reduce pain and inflammation. It is used to treat hip dysplasia, Lyme's disease, inflammatory skin conditions, inflammatory conditions of the intestinal tract, constipation, diarrhea, allergies, epilepsy, lung conditions, and arthritis. It can also boost the immune system.

To get a list of certified practioners from the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society go to their web address: