Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pets Get Scared of Noise

Christmas, New Year's Eve and the Fourth of July, are times for fireworks. Unfortunately, many dogs are lost when they become frightened of the noise, and escape from their yard or the house.

To prevent your dog escaping, make sure he's securely confined. Ideally, this means he's inside your house, either in a crate or locked in a room. It's unlikely he'll escape under these circumstances.

If he does need to stay outside, be sure your fence is in good condition. Have a sturdy collar on your dog, make sure it won't slip over his head. Have a current ID tag on his collar. Hopefully you won't need it, but take a good clear photograph of him, so it's easy to make posters and share his description online, if he should escape.

Buddy and I wish you a Happy New Year!