Buddy got skunked again, last night! Buddy must have remembered the skunk because he was sprayed on his rear end (he must have been running away!).
This time I was prepared. I didn't let him in the house, I didn't try to wash him with water. I made a mixture of 1 quart peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 tsp liquid dish detergent. I washed the smell off of him, rinse him, and then let him in the house. There is a slight skunk smell, but nothing like the last time. This happened at midnight, much too late for a bath. This mixture works really good removing the smell, but it has bleached parts of Buddy's hair, red. He looks more like a tri-colored Border Collie on his head. I have read that an alternative to peroxide is white vinegar.
I need to work on making sure this skunk doesn't come back. I have learned that skunks can and do eat anything; bird eggs, bugs and larvae, small rodents, garbage, pet food, nuts, berries, fruits, water sources and bird feeder spills. Well, I do have bird feeder spills.
They can get through a hole only 4" wide. They are not climbers, but are great diggers. He dug a hole under the chicken wire that is across my back fence. I need to repair the fence so he won't come under it. Skunks also don't like light, so I will leave my back porch light on. Some people have used spicy pepper solutions that should be reapplied every few days. I will also call my local nursery to check out commercial repellents.
I will spray the hose, with a high pressure nozzel, before I let Buddy out at night. Skunks don't like water. It will get the skunk out of the yard, before Buddy goes out. I am tired of my house smelling like skunk.
This time I was prepared. I didn't let him in the house, I didn't try to wash him with water. I made a mixture of 1 quart peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 tsp liquid dish detergent. I washed the smell off of him, rinse him, and then let him in the house. There is a slight skunk smell, but nothing like the last time. This happened at midnight, much too late for a bath. This mixture works really good removing the smell, but it has bleached parts of Buddy's hair, red. He looks more like a tri-colored Border Collie on his head. I have read that an alternative to peroxide is white vinegar.
I need to work on making sure this skunk doesn't come back. I have learned that skunks can and do eat anything; bird eggs, bugs and larvae, small rodents, garbage, pet food, nuts, berries, fruits, water sources and bird feeder spills. Well, I do have bird feeder spills.
They can get through a hole only 4" wide. They are not climbers, but are great diggers. He dug a hole under the chicken wire that is across my back fence. I need to repair the fence so he won't come under it. Skunks also don't like light, so I will leave my back porch light on. Some people have used spicy pepper solutions that should be reapplied every few days. I will also call my local nursery to check out commercial repellents.
I will spray the hose, with a high pressure nozzel, before I let Buddy out at night. Skunks don't like water. It will get the skunk out of the yard, before Buddy goes out. I am tired of my house smelling like skunk.