Monday, November 24, 2008

Buddy Got Skunked, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Buddy got skunked again, last night! Buddy must have remembered the skunk because he was sprayed on his rear end (he must have been running away!).

This time I was prepared. I didn't let him in the house, I didn't try to wash him with water. I made a mixture of 1 quart peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 tsp liquid dish detergent. I washed the smell off of him, rinse him, and then let him in the house. There is a slight skunk smell, but nothing like the last time. This happened at midnight, much too late for a bath. This mixture works really good removing the smell, but it has bleached parts of Buddy's hair, red. He looks more like a tri-colored Border Collie on his head. I have read that an alternative to peroxide is white vinegar.

I need to work on making sure this skunk doesn't come back. I have learned that skunks can and do eat anything; bird eggs, bugs and larvae, small rodents, garbage, pet food, nuts, berries, fruits, water sources and bird feeder spills. Well, I do have bird feeder spills.

They can get through a hole only 4" wide. They are not climbers, but are great diggers. He dug a hole under the chicken wire that is across my back fence. I need to repair the fence so he won't come under it. Skunks also don't like light, so I will leave my back porch light on. Some people have used spicy pepper solutions that should be reapplied every few days. I will also call my local nursery to check out commercial repellents.

I will spray the hose, with a high pressure nozzel, before I let Buddy out at night. Skunks don't like water. It will get the skunk out of the yard, before Buddy goes out. I am tired of my house smelling like skunk.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Acupuncture Therapy for Pets

Acupuncture is an ancient therapy from China involving the placement of needles at specific sites along nerves' pathways to evoke positive healing action and bring relief from distress and suffering. In modern times it has been medically validated and found to be extremely useful in very painful situations. Some holistic veterinarians have begun to use it in their practices with much success.

Acupuncture can promote better circulation, reduce overall inflammation, and to provide local pain relief. Acupuncture automatically promotes the release of endorphins into the animal's body, which can reduce pain and inflammation. It is used to treat hip dysplasia, Lyme's disease, inflammatory skin conditions, inflammatory conditions of the intestinal tract, constipation, diarrhea, allergies, epilepsy, lung conditions, and arthritis. It can also boost the immune system.

To get a list of certified practioners from the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society go to their web address:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tips to Keep Pets Safe on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is a joyous and relaxing holiday for most humans, but for pets, Thanksgiving can pose some very real dangers. To avoid a pet injury or illness on Thanksgiving consider the following tips, designed to help pet owners reduce the number of holiday pet hazards and dangers.

1. Keep Bones Out of a Dog or Cat's Reach. A dog or cat who eats turkey bones can suffer an intestinal obstruction, punctures and tears to the intestinal tract and potentially deadly internal bleeding. If your pets can access outdoor trash cans, instead place the container with the bones in the freezer and place the bones curbside on trash collection day.

2. Keep Dogs and Cats Out of the Kitchen on Thanksgiving Day. A pet in a crowded kitchen is a recipe for disaster. A pet can easily get under foot and cause a cook to trip and fall. If they have a hot food item in their hands, this could lead to burns and a big mess.

3. Confine Cats and Dogs When Thanksgiving Guest Arrive. Some dogs and cats are very social, while others don't appreciate visits to the home from strangers. Many cats and dogs find Thanksgiving Day guests overwhelming and frightening. If a guest attempts to pet a nervous pet, this may be a recipe for a dog bite, cat bite or cat scratch. Children visiting may pose a danger to cats, dogs and other pets. A child may act inappropriately, injuring the pet or provoke the dog or cat, leading to a bite.

4. Thanksgiving Dinner for Dogs and Cats. Most food at Thanksgiving should be OK for pets. Fat trimmings and very fatty food should always be avoided as this can trigger pancreatitis. Large amounts of unfamiliar foods will cause nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea in pets. Offer a small amount with the pets regular meal.

5. Keep the Emergency Vet and Pet Poison Control Numbers Handy. The ASPCA's Pet Poison Control Center is (888) 426-4435.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Buddy Has Tapeworms!

Buddy has tapeworms but doesn't have fleas. To get tapeworms the pet has to ingest a flea. I don't know how he got them, but I found them in his poop. The tapeworms look like pieces of white rice. Dr. Pitcairn says that the tapeworm parasites do not usually cause any detectable health problems and are not serious.

I am going to try alternative remedies first. In Dr. Pitcairn's book he recommends first a fresh diet which improves the chance that the parasites will be sloughed off.

The idea in treating tapeworms is to use substances that annoy or irritate the worms and to use them over a long period of time. Eventually, the worms will give up and loosen their hold, passing on out.

Pumpkin seeds - use raw seeds and keep them sealed in an airtight container. Grind them to a fine meal and give them to your pet in consume immediately. Add 1/4 to 1 teaspoon depending on the size of your animal.

Wheat-germ oil - buy a very good quality wheat-germ oil at a health food store, it is an excellent natural tapeworm discourager. Add 1/4 to 1 teaspoon to each meal.

Vegetable enzymes - the enzymes of many plant foods, especially those from figs and papaya, eat away at the outer coating of the worm. Add 1/4 to 1 teaspoon to food. You can use enzyme supplements that contain papain (the papaya enzyme) and other digestive enzymes. Follow the instructions on the label.

Homeopathic - Filix Mas 3C: Give 1 tablet or 5 pellets 3 times a day for 2 to 3 weeks, shorter if the segments go away sooner. Cina 3C, can also be used if Filix Mas is not available.

If these don't work Dr. Pitcairn recommends using conventional drug treatment.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pets Are Good For People's Health

A great deal of research has been done with the effects of animal companionship on the elderly. The evidence conclusively proves that single seniors who connect with a cat or dog live longer, enjoy life more, and have far fewer health problems as a rule than do those who have no pets. Pets are indeed good for our health!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stress - What Relaxes Our Pets

Animals get stressed just as people do. Everything from loud noises and bright lights to crowded places and strange locations can make pets jumpy and irritable.

Some of the same things that calm the animals' owners work equally well for them. A nice, gentle massage helps relax tense muscles. So does hand stroking and brushing. Animals seem to like being touched in a loving way when they're under a lot of stress. Finger and hand caressing seems to help their bodies unwind and put them at ease.

Soft music works its own kind of magic. Animal psychologists discovered some years ago that not only does music "soothe the savage beast" within, but it changes the mood and behavior or pets as well. Fear and aggression are replaced by calmness and peace. When soothing sounds are played, inner anxieties disappear. Animals no longer are frustrated but feel a sense of confidence within themselves.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tips For Bee Stings for Dogs and Cats

If your pet gets stung by a bee, there are many remedies that can be used to help with reactions and reduce pain.

First remove the stinger, by scraping in out. Don't use tweezers because it will pump more venom into the skin.

-Bathe the stung area with a solution of baking soda and water. Make a thick paste. You may need to trim the hair to make this stick.

-Immediately apply ice packs to reduce swelling (this also keeps the poison from spreading quickly). Keep on 10-30 minutes. Repeat several times during the day to relieve pain.

-Give the homeopathic remedy, APIS MELLIFICA (this is good to keep on hand for pets and humans).

-Give Benadryl (diphenhydramine) by mouth. Use only the plain Benadryl formula. Call your vet for dosages.

-Dr. Pitcairn recommends applying a freshly sliced onion, rub in one drop of ammonia water, or use Urtica Urens tincture or glycerine extract on the sting. He also gives the homeopathic Ledum 30C, for all insect bites, a few pellets every 15 minutes for a total of 3 treatments.

Watch your pet for any adverse reactions. A sting in the mouth could be very serious because of swelling.
Take your pet to the vet immediately if he shows signs of weakness, trembling, vomiting, breathing problems or major swelling.

Friday, November 14, 2008

How To Introduce Your New Baby to Your Dog

I just found out that I am going to be a grandmother for the 3rd time! My daughter and her family have a rescue dog, Shasta, a black lab. Here are some hints to help when bringing home a new baby.

1. If you need to change house rules, change them before the baby arrives, so that your dog doesn't associate changes with baby's arrival.

2. Consider a series of obedience classes before the baby arrives.

3. Have your dog checked by a veterinarian to make sure he doesn't have parasites.

4. Let your dog get used to the sights, smells and sounds of a baby in advance. Let him get used to sounds of rattles and other baby toys.

5. Before bringing your baby home from the hospital, send home a blanket or gown that the baby has been wrapped in. This will get your dog used to the baby's scent.

6. Let Dad or someone else carry the baby inside at the first homecoming, so that Mom is free to greet the dog with open arms. The dog will be less jealous.

7. Praise your dog when you're near the baby so she will think of the child as a positive influence.

8. Reassure your dog, each time your baby cries, and train him not to bark when he hears it. Give the dog a treat or hug for doing the right thing.

9. Spend one-on-one time with your dog while the baby is napping.

10. Be patient because it may take some time before your dog is comfortable around your baby.

Warnings: Never leave your dog alone with your baby, no matter how well-trained and friendly the dog may be. Even the best-behaved dog can become frustrated with a baby's cries.

(The picture is Buddy and his "Baby".)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Are There Hypoallergenic Dogs?

About 10 percent of the U.S. population is allergic to animals, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. For those persons afflicted with asthma, the rate is even higher - approximately 25%. Allergic reactions to pets can range from bothersome (itchy or watery eyes) to downright dangerous, such as asthma attacks that constrict breathing.

The term, "Hypoallergenic" are breeds that result in a "reduced allergic reaction" among allergy sufferers. Non-allergic breeds simply do not exist. Dog allergens originate in the dog's skin, saliva, urine, and dander, that drift about your home, contaminating everything. It is the dander (skin scales) that causes the most significant allergic reactions, not the length or amount of hair on the pet.

All dog allergen is not the same and some breeds produce less than others. Breeds that produce less allergen are Poodles, Labradoodles, Bichon Frise, Havenese, Miniature Schnauzers, Kerry Blue Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Maltese, Airedales, Italian Greyhound, Chinese Crested, Chihuahua, and Mexican Hairless.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Buddy Got Skunked!!!!!

Last night, Buddy got skunked. He went outside to do "his business" before going to bed, and chased after something. I thought it was probably a rat. Well, Buddy ran in the house and started acting like he needed to spit. He smelled awful! A liquid was dripping out of his mouth. The skunk sprayed his face and mouth.

I didn't know what to do and got a towel and washed him with water. It was the wrong thing to do. He smelled so bad. Now the whole house stunk like skunk.

I went on the internet and learned what I should have done. Mix 1 quart hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 teaspoon liquid dish detergent together and sponge on your dry dog. ( They recommend not to put this solution in a sealed container, because it will explode.) Leave the solution on for 10 minutes and rinse off. Repeat if necessary. Then shampoo your dog with a pet shampoo.

It was very late at night when this happened and I did the peroxide mixture a couple of times. The smell was so overwhelming in the house, that I couldn't tell whether it was working or not.

The next morning, I couldn't smell the skunk on Buddy, but everywhere he had gone in the house, smelled awful!

If you have skunks in your area, have hydrogen peroxide handy, just in case. Don't let the dog in the house before you treat the smell on the dog. The spray is oily and can stay on carpet, upholstery, bedding, floors, etc. for a long time (one website said 2 years!).

Friday, November 7, 2008

Max Is Alive And Well !

In July, I wrote several blogs about our goldfish, Dorothy, who died after 3 years. I also wrote a blog about my granddaughter winning a new fish at the Orange County Fair. Well, I just wanted to report that Max is still alive and well. I wonder how many other fish from the fair are swimming in bowls today.
Max is being fed a goldfish food by Wardley with no artificial colors.

It is amazing how goldfish can each have their own personality.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

More Recommended Books

I recommend these books by Linda Tellington-Jones, Animal behaviorist and author.
The books are: Getting in TTouch with Your Dog; Getting in TTouch with Your Puppy; and Unleash Your Dog's Potential. TTouch is not misspelled, it is a touch therapy for animals.
For more information go to: