Saturday, September 20, 2008

Natural Light is Essential for Good Health

Malillumination is a term that describes the health-damaging light deficiences in plants, pets, captive animals and humans. Malillumination is now known to contribute to sterility and other breeding problems, depression, hostility, suppressed immune function, fur loss, skin damage, cancer, fatigue and a loss of strength and muscle tone in domesticated animals.

Light enters the eyes not only to facilitate vision but to activate the hypothalamus, which in turn controls the nervous and endocrine systems, which regulate functions throughout the body. The pineal, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, thymus and sex glands are all directly or indirectly dependent on the eyes' exposure to natural light. Their health in turn affects body temperature, sleep patterns, growth, the immune system, emotions, fluid balance, energy balance, circulation, blood pressure, breathing, reproduction and aging. Exposure to natural light is crucial to the health of your pet's hormone and immune system.

Exposure to natural light, preferably for several hours per day, is necessary for good health. Whenever possible, give your indoor pets; dogs, cats, birds, or rabbits, this essential nutrient. Natural light is any type of outdoor light, not necessarily direct sunlight. A shady screened porch, the shelter of a large tree, even an open northern exposure window or doorway gives the body what it needs. Take your dog for leisurely walks and provide a safe and comfortable place for her to rest outdoors. Cats love open windows. Be sure your screens are securely attached and, if the sill is narrow, expand it with a feline window shelf.

Although several companies advertise full-spectrum light bulbs or tubes, none of these products exactly duplicate natural light.