Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cancer - Cause and Prevention

Research has proved that environmental pollutants and chemicals in food are the major factors in the development and support of cancer.
To decrease the exposure to carcinogens, you should help your pet avoid them as much as possible. They include: Cigarette smoke; riding in the back of a pick up truck, they inhale exhaust; drinking water from street puddles, can contain oils, pesticides, and asbestos dust from brakes; resting on or close to TV or computers; frequent diagnostic work with x-rays (all radiation effects are cumulative in the body); use of strong chemicals over long periods (as with flea and tick control); household cleaning products (your pets are close to the floor, use natural cleaning products); pesticides or insecticides used around the home; consuming pet foods high in organ meats and meat meal (concentrations of pesticides and growth hormones used to fatten cattle, which can promote cancer growth); foods that contain preservatives and artificial colors (known to cause cancer in lab animals).

If an animal can be kept in excellent health with good food, pure water, adequate exercise, access to fresh air and sunshine, and a stable environment, the immune system will be strong. A weaker animal might succumb to the effects of carcinogens, but the stronger ones will more likely resist and detoxify them.

If your pet has cancer Dr. Pitcairn recommends: Avoid commercial foods completely. Feed only fresh, unprocessed foods. Give high levels of vitamin C. Do not give your pet tap water. Avoid all vaccinations. Giving a vaccine to an animal with cancer is like pouring gasoline on a fire. For more information on alternative therapies refer to Dr. Pitcairn's book, Natural Health for Dogs & Cats.
My comments: If your pet has cancer do not give anything that contains sugar. Sugar is fertilizer to the cancer!